Friday, August 22, 2008

Claiming My Star

Ask for what you want and you Shall receive! I started my day off with a long list of business work including Stitches and Embellished. Like usual, I mutlitasked doing everything at once, but I knew I had to focus on a few particulars in order to break even for the day. After handling the basics I got down to business but would lose my focus out of the pure necessity of just wanting to rest. I thought about my Embellish Me list and decided to display it in view for my desk. Whenever I would lose focus...I got a glimpse of the list and got right back on track. This really works! You should try it! I've tried this before, but instead of a list, I used pictures of material things that I knew if I achieved my goals I would be able to have. But I didn't take to it as much as I take to the list. Different things work for different people, but try coming up with something that will motivate you throughout the day. By the time I had noticed, I had even completed tasks that were due for the next day and was definitely ahead of the game.

It's been crunch time down at Stitches these last couple of weeks and me being the manager and knowing the Doctor needs me, I have to be there. But as I prepared myself for another busy production evening, I got a call from the Doctor..... And just like that, I had the day off! :) Finally a break and I couldn't wait.

After finishing more work and running a few errands it was me time! I felt like a bear coming out of hibernation. I sat outside and enjoyed the breezy weather doing absolutely nothing at all. When it became dark, I looked up and noticed I was sitting under a single bright shining star. I realized I had everything I needed... an opportunity and determination.

It made me appreciate my break and made me even more hopeful. This was exactly the kind of day I needed and I'm happier than what I have been in a while. Instead of trying to find happiness I disregarded luxuries, but I find that the harder I work the more blessed I am anyway.

Before the night ended I scheduled my day for tomorrow. Business work as usual, production work at Stitches, a meeting with my web designer and planning for the weekend. I fell asleep claiming my star.

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." Albert Camus


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEP!!!! At least you lose focus because you need rest. I lose it because I'm ADD and easily distracted lol. Lists help but not enough because they turn into a bunch of pieces of paper or clutter scribbled in a notebook. I like your idea though. I'm gonna try! Maybe I'll just have my very own light bright after all lol.